We generally recommend ordering online, but if you wish you may also order by phone, fax, or US Mail. To order toll-free by phone, 24 hours per day, please call our affiliate RegNow at 1-877-353-7297. Tell the operator that you wish to purchase a product, and which product(s) you wish to purchase. After the transaction is completed you will be able to download your software directly from RegNow.
To order by mail or fax, follow your web browser's instructions to print out this order form. Be sure to fill in the quantities of the products you want and all the pertinent data concerning your method of payment and your name and address. Please make all Checks and Money Orders in favor of Singing Electrons, Inc.
Send this form to: Industrial Audio Software Sales Alternatively, you may fax this form to us at 360-468-4844. After we receive your order form and payment, we will send your order by the delivery method chosen -- either as an online download or on a CD through US Mail (additional shipping and handling charges will apply). For details on store policies, click here. In order to obtain free upgrades, we encourage you to purchase using online download. Please allow at least 4-6 weeks to process your mail or fax order.
Shipping and Handling Method (Charges in USD)
Tax: Washington State residents must add 7.8% sales tax
TOTAL (Add Carefully!)
Billing Information:
Please calculate your order carefully including tax and shipping & handling charges if applicable.