Industrial Audio Software offers ordering via Purchase Order from qualified educational institutions and corporations.
To order by mail or fax, follow your web browser's instructions to print out this order form. Be sure to fill in the quantities of the products you want and all the pertinent data concerning your method of payment and your name and address. Please make all Checks and Money Orders in favor of Divvycast, LLC.
Send this form to: Industrial Audio Software Sales Alternatively, you may fax this form to us at 360-468-4844. Please note that there is a $10.00 processing fee for purchase orders, and that payment must be received before your order is shipped or made available for online download. If you would like to purchase more than 5 copies of one of our programs please send an email to [email protected] for pricing information. For details on store policies, click here. Please allow at least 4-6 weeks to process your mail or fax order."
Shipping and Handling Method (Charges in USD)
Tax: Washington State residents must add 7.8% sales tax $10 PO processing fee
TOTAL (Add Carefully!)
Billing Information:
Please calculate your order carefully including tax and shipping & handling charges if applicable.